In 2020, over 11,000 children under the age of 15 in the U.S. are expected to be diagnosed with cancer, which is the number two cause of death in that age group.
A family tragedy inspired a Dallas TSA officer to help kids stricken with cancer. Aubry Fryers, who serves at Dallas Love Field, lost her Aunt Nancy to breast cancer in 2013. “Nan was the best aunt you could have ever asked for,” Fryers said. “She was more interested in hanging out with the kids, playing with us and making sure we were not only seen but heard at family gatherings.”
Aunt Nancy was first diagnosed with cancer when Fryers was just 8 years old and had a set of bubble gum hot pink and neon lime green wigs, which fascinated Fryers. “I thought that was cool,” she remembered. “[Aunt Nancy] was laughing in the face of cancer, saying, ‘You can take my hair, but you won’t take me.’”
That’s when Fryers learned about Locks of Love, a non-profit that provides hairpieces to children who’ve lost their hair due to medical conditions such as cancer.
“[Nan] was an inspiration to me as I got older,” said Fryers. “I have turned her spirit and selflessness to really see the light in the bad situations I have faced in my life.”
Because of that inspiration, Fryers has donated her hair to Locks of Love three times. She gave 14 inches of hair in 2013 and 2015 and got a buzz cut in September 2019 when her stylist cut a whopping 16 inches of Fryers’ hair.
“When I was asked why, I said I wanted to show people that your hair, or lack thereof, doesn’t define you,” said Fryers. “You are beautiful no matter what. I donate so Nancy still lives on through me.”
“It is important to give back to those who have helped shape me,” she added. “I want to remember them as they were, not what cancer made them.”
Fryers gets a sense of pride knowing she has changed someone else’s life and encourages others to give. “You can donate more than your time and money to help others. You can give them a part of you.”
She views this as a partnership, not only with her community, but the entire world.
“My parents and teachers taught me that if you are able to give, then you should,” Fryers said. “It is on our shoulders to help those less fortunate than us. My life was not given to me to just sit and do nothing. I look at this as my chance to be a superhero, maybe without the cape.”