Blog Posts for 08 2019

Archived Content

Please note that older content is archived for public record. This page may contain information that is outdated and may not reflect current policy or programs.

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  • Alfie - Cutest Canine

    TSA Week in Review: August 19 - 25

    Monday was National Dog Day! We held the Cutest TSA Explosives Detection K9 Contest on our Instagram page. The winner was Alfie from Sky Harbor International Airport-Phoenix (PHX).

  • firearms discovered at security checkpoints

    TSA Week in Review: August 12 - 18

    I went fishing last weekend and caught a whopper of a fish. I didn’t have my camera though so you’ll just have to trust me ;) Lucky for you, our officers did have their cameras when we caught these whoppers!

  • Firearm cover

    TSA Week in Review: August 5 - 11

    Last weekend my fiancé and I went to the Maine Wildlife Park for the first time. As the entrance line moved slowly forward, I saw a small sign that said, “cash only.” Being the cliché millennial, I, of course, only had a debit card.

  • Firearm Cover

    TSA Week in Review: July 22 - August 4

    Sorry I missed you all last week. Sometimes you just need some down time. While I was off, our officers were busy stopping dangerous items from making their way on to commercial aircrafts. Below are some of the items they stopped.

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The purpose of this blog is to share the latest news and helpful information with the public. If you have questions about TSA or the information presented here, please contact our AskTSA customer care team on Twitter or Facebook.

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