Kudos Across America – Amarillo, Texas

Monday, June 26, 2023
Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport (AMA)

There is a gentleman at the Rick Husband Amarillo International Airport named Papa [TSA Officer Wyatt Papa] - I believe that is what his name tag said - and he is absolutely above and beyond and over-the-top fabulous.

AMA TSA Officer Wyatt Papa
AMA TSA Officer Wyatt Papa

He was kind, knowledgeable and so helpful with everyone checking in. I have never experienced such customer service and kindness from any TSA agent, or airport personnel either for that matter. Not that they are all bad, he is just great!  I am sure that he was just being himself and delivering what he delivers every day to everyone.

He gave me the best experience that I have ever had at check-in, and honestly, my other experiences were all wonderful! Please pass along my compliments.

Thank you.

Sam Leonard

By Wayne Carey, Communications and Public Affairs