TSA's Top Travel Tips

The special guide for service members and their families includes travel tips, such as how to prepare, pack and declare a firearm, checkpoint dos and don’ts, and an inside look at some of TSA’s programs and employees, with a special military emphasis.
It can be stressful traveling with baby gear any time of year. Check out this video for tips on navigating through the security screening process with these items. And don’t forget, if you need assistance – just ask – we’re happy to help!
We all know by now that a turkey sandwich is not a liquid, but it can still be confusing when you’re figuring out how to pack your liquids. Watch this video and it will all be crystal clear.
Who doesn’t want to get through security faster? TSA PreCheck® allows you to do just that. It’s quick and easy security screening for travelers we know more about – and have earned the esteemed title of “Trusted Traveler.” Applying is easy and once you’re a member- you’ll never want to go back.
One of the more popular questions we get from travelers is: “Can I travel with my medication?” The answer is yes, with some qualifiers. Here are a few tips that you might find helpful.
Automated Screening Lanes are a state-of-the-art checkpoint technology that enhances security efficiency while decreasing the amount of time travelers spend during the security screening process. These lanes are currently in airports in New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Dallas, Chicago, Minneapolis, Miami, Houston, Newark, Seattle and Atlanta.