Kudos Across America - Nashville, Tennessee

Thursday, December 16, 2021
Nashville International Airport Supervisory TSA Officer Loretta Brown (left) and TSA Officer Stefanie Certeza examine an X-ray image.  (Photo by Judith Kolanda)

I am writing to let you know of the extreme kindness shown to my wife and me on a recent trip through the Nashville airport. The TSA officer to whom I am referring is Loretta Brown [Nashville International Airport Supervisory Officer]. Officer Brown showed us understanding and kindness when the name on my wife’s airline ticket did not match her new married name.

We bought the tickets months ago and have been dealing with the struggles related to name changes in the age of COVID. Unfortunately, it has been very challenging to meet all the criteria to simply make a married name change in Tennessee these days. We have been working to make these changes for some time.

Nashville International Airport Supervisory TSA Officer Loretta Brown  (Photo by Judith Kolanda)
Nashville International Airport Supervisory TSA Officer Loretta Brown  (Photo by Judith Kolanda)

We finally got everything changed about a week before our trip, for which we had bought tickets months before. All our reservations at that time were in her maiden name. Now, all of her documentation is finally in her married name. We were stopped by your [officers] due to this discrepancy. As a result, a supervisor was called, and we were introduced to Officer Brown.

She understood the predicament we were in and did all the detailed searches as required. She took her time and was very kind and compassionate toward us. She did all the due diligence required and allowed us through security. She advised that we would not be able to return unless the airline changed our information for the trip back home. As a result, Southwest fixed our tickets and itinerary, and we had no trouble on our return trip. I cannot thank her enough for everything.

I wanted to let you know that [Officer] Loretta Brown is a true asset as a face for the TSA. I hope you will give her kudos from some very grateful passengers who were well served by her.

Jan Wolff