Nashville TSA officer, police officer team up to revive passenger

Wednesday, June 2, 2021
Officer Baltimore photo

The morning seemed routine as Christopher Baltimore returned from his break to head back to the checkpoint. As the Nashville International Airport (BNA) TSA officer came around the corner of Allegiant Air’s ticket counter, he noticed Department of Public Safety Law Enforcement Officer Nathan Holt and two passengers trying to get a man out of a wheelchair and onto the floor.

The man in the wheelchair did not look well and was slumped over. He was unresponsive. Baltimore went over to assist Holt and began giving chest rubs to the man.

The man still had no pulse and was not breathing, so Baltimore immediately started chest compressions until the man took a breath. But, again, the man became unresponsive. Baltimore continued chest compressions until Holt was able to take over. Baltimore and Holt each took turns giving compressions until medics arrived. The man eventually began to breathe on his own and was taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital.

When asked about his thoughts, Baltimore said, “I’d like to know how the man is doing. I’d like to know that he is OK. I believe God put me there for a particular reason, and I hope that I fulfilled what I could do to bring peace to that family. The gentleman’s daughter was present and obviously shook up. I hope things worked out for the best.”

Representing TSA during this emergency, Baltimore added, “I would have done it in or out of uniform, but I always want to be sure I am presentable to the uniform I wear and that I am always doing the right thing.”

“He’s very good, very presentable and very caring,” said TSA Supervisory Officer Fred Goodwin. “I’m glad to have him on my team.”

TSA Manager Gary Cooper said, “He’s just an upstanding guy to do something like that when he didn’t have to do it. He could have waited until the medics arrived, but he chose to take the task and the training he’d had from his previous life and assist even after other [police officers] showed up.”

Baltimore previously worked seven years with the sheriff’s office and seven years with the Department of Corrections where he was required to recertify in first aid and CPR response every two years. He joined TSA in January 2020.

“Great job on Baltimore’s part,” Department of Public Safety Personnel Chief W. David Griswold exclaimed.

Captain Alan Keene said, “Outstanding work by TSA and our officers.”

Holt said, “[TSA Officer] Baltimore’s actions made the difference in reviving this passenger.”