OKLAHOMA CITY, O.K. – The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has completed installation of new acrylic barriers at security checkpoints throughout Will Rogers WorldAirport (OKC) in the agency’s ongoing efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
A total of 13 protective barriers were installed across five OKC checkpoints last week in locations where TSA officers typically interact with passengers, to include the ticket and document check podiums and divestiture positions.
“The addition of acrylic barriers inside TSA checkpoints is one of several measures we’ve taken to protect our workforce and travelers,” said Steven Crawford, TSA’s Federal Security Director for OKC. “TSA will continue to implement the measures necessary for containment, including acrylic barriers as well as technologies that reduce or eliminate physical contact, as long as this virus remains a threat.”
In addition to the barriers installed inside TSA security checkpoints, airport officials installed barriers in checkpoint queues to promote social distancing.
TSA awarded a contract for acrylic barriers and associated equipment for installation at TSA’s security checkpoints at 37 priority airports nationwide.
The contract provided an additional 1,230 acrylic barriers to augment temporary barriers already installed at various airports and was completed by early autumn. The contract was awarded in June and additional barrier contracts were awarded in September for remaining airport locations. Installation continues nationwide.
TSA continues to promote its “Stay Healthy. Stay Secure.” campaign designed to advise travelers of airport checkpoint modifications designed to contain the spread of COVID-19. Travelers are reminded to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) travel guidance as well as local and state advisories regarding COVID-19. For more information about the TSA response to COVID-19, please visit tsa.gov.