Hi there!
My teenager and I flew to back Boston after visiting family in Houston. Our return trip from George Bush [Intercontinental Airport] included an extra passenger: our new 13-week old puppy we picked up while in Houston.
After hearing horror stories for a week about Houston TSA and flying with pets from what felt like every human alive who had ever flown with a dog, I was nervous as heck and dreading our return flight home. People literally told us to not speak to TSA other than to answer questions. Don't make eye contact, etc. We were scared to death. Let me add here that we're from very rural Maine and don't fly much. Think of country mice in the big city.
We get to security and sure enough, I get pulled for my hand swab alarming. At this point I'm ready to hyperventilate. I've got my teenage daughter standing by, holding the puppy, who's only flown once before, is halfway across the country from home and who also heard the stories.
The [supervisory TSA Officer Nora Glover] who moved me out of line for my pat down was SO KIND. I wish so much that I remembered her name, but I was so nervous I could barely remember my own. She explained step-by [-step] what she was doing; asked permission and explained what had happened and likely why (I had just put on the lotion they give you at the tanning salon to extend your tan). She was so, so nice.
She was the exact opposite of all the stories we had been so scared by. [She was] patient, kind, polite and professional. And my daughter said that the officer who screened her was also super nice. So thank you, TSA, for keeping us and others safe and for having officers like Glover in Houston.
I'm sorry we listened to and believed the stereotypical baloney people told us to expect. Our trip was wonderful and our experience with your officers was, too.