Kudos Across America – Reno, Nevada

Friday, August 20, 2021
Officer Reed assisting passengers photo

Lead TSA Officer Walter Reed at Reno/Tahoe International Airport provided the most exceptional TSA service for my younger brother.

Due to my brother's disability, he is easily overwhelmed by long lines and proximity to others. He is easily overstimulated, which causes him to become increasingly aggressive. Few people understand the challenges passengers with intellectual disabilities face while undergoing screening, but Reed's actions reflected that TSA cares for passengers who require additional care!

LTSO Reed photo
Reno/Tahoe International Airport Lead TSA Officer Walter Reed. (Photo by April Torrez)

My family and I were aware of TSA Cares, but we did not request it ahead of time as we anticipated a short TSA line for a mid-morning, midweek flight. We showed Reed my brother's TSA Cares card and asked if he could be seen sooner. Reed then provided my brother with the most exceptional customer service.

We noticed a meltdown coming after my brother waited about 35 minutes in line. Reed accompanied my younger brother and me to the front of the line. He guided us from the identification checkpoint to the screening checkpoint, all the while using a soft and kind voice that comforted my brother.

Reed provided straightforward and easy-to-follow instructions for my brother with a calm voice that diffused a potentially challenging experience into the most positive interaction my brother has ever had at an airport. Even while my brother waited for his water bottle to undergo additional screening, Reed suggested with a calm voice, that we could take a seat in a nearby, quiet area.

This is just one specific example of Reed's exceptional care, concern and intentionality for the particular needs of my brother. I am filled with sincere gratitude for TSA and Officer Reed, who went above and beyond to make a potentially challenging experience into a positive one!

We are excited to share this with other families who have loved ones with disabilities about this incredible experience. We are grateful for TSA Cares and our TSA Officers, like Lead Officer Walter Reed, who go above and beyond!