Kudos Across America – Reno, Nevada

Tuesday, July 19, 2022
Welcome to Reno sign in downtown Reno, Nevada (TSA File photo)

We travel constantly, flying two or three times a month round trip.  I have never had such a pleasant experience [traveling] as I did with the TSA team in the Reno airport.

They were friendly, helpful and wonderful. I was very impressed with the whole team. They made my trip through security the best I've ever had, and it wasn't just one of them, it was everyone I came in contact with. 

Reno-Tahoe International Airport Team Reno
Reno-Tahoe International Airport Team Reno from left, TSA Officers John Tibbits, Patricia Rogers, Bret Vantrees, Carmen McDaniel, Supervisory TSA Officer Olutokunbo Ogundimu, TSA Officer Mel Thomas, Lead TSA Officer Walter Reed, TSA Officers Erin Glaser, Justin Bage, Richard Pople, Josue Velazquez-Castro, Patrick Derry, Samantha Martinez-Mariscal, William Whitney, Lead TSA Officer Walter Gomez-Lemus and TSA Officer Robert McSwiggin. (Photo by April Torrez)