Employee Stories

Free Lunch

Pennsylvania TSA supervisor feeds hungry kids during pandemic

May 6, 2020

Low-income children in the small Pennsylvania town of Johnstown have food in their bellies during the COVID-19 pandemic thanks in large part to Donna LaMonaca.

LaMonaca, a TSA supervisory officer at Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, is on…

Participant Handout pic

COVID-19 ravages transportation system; TSA offers help

May 4, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged America’s transportation system, and TSA is offering some assistance.

In response to COVID-19, TSA’s Intermodal Security Training…

TSA Officer Fryers

Locks of love from Dallas TSA officer

May 1, 2020

In 2020, over 11,000 children under the age of 15 in the U.S. are expected to be diagnosed with cancer, which is the number two cause of death in that age group.

A family tragedy inspired a Dallas TSA officer to help kids stricken with…

Gasser pic 1

I&A Spouses Lend a Helping Hand to Their Communities and Watch Employees

April 30, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered all of our lives in some way – whether it be our physical work locations or what we wear at the grocery store.  Recently, several Intelligence and Analysis

Marianne Devine Picture

Work scene quite different these days for many TSA employees

April 29, 2020

COVID-19 swept through our country like a huge storm, and TSA quickly responded.  

While TSA’s mission to protect the nation’s transportation systems continues, agency leadership made a commitment to protect as many employees as…

Boston Knife Catch

‘Oh, that knife? It’s just holding my bag together’

April 24, 2020

Flight loads at airports across the country have dropped dramatically because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but that’s not stopping TSA from

Staff with masks

Making masks: TSA employees meet the need

April 24, 2020

Every hero needs a mask.

We’re not talking about what we used to refer to as “superheroes,” we’re talking about today’s heroes: our local medical providers, nurses, doctors and first responders. These heroes need masks to protect…

Group of Three

Slam dunk! TSA employee honors nurses

April 23, 2020

You’ve probably heard the popular ad campaign “America Runs on Dunkin”. Well, during the COVID-19 pandemic, America has largely run on our frontline healthcare workers, and a TSA employee wanted to honor them.

David Bruce from Boston’s…

Cissy Myers

Standing shoulder to shoulder – six feet apart – during COVID-19

April 23, 2020

These days, conversations don’t end with “have a great day,” but rather, “stay safe” and “we’re all in this together.” There are times during this pandemic when just saying these heartfelt and sincere expressions are enough. When more is needed,…

Melanie Rambo Picture

‘Working Lunch’ leaves lasting impression

April 20, 2020

Well-known American poet Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

A grateful passenger wrote to say TSA Officer…

TSA Officers

Military personal effects find their way home. Semper Paratus!

April 16, 2020

Military pins and badges have become status symbols for military members, each telling a different story about the person who possesses them. So when Supervisory TSA Officer Ruben Idarraga went to the Greenville-Spartanburg International Airport…


Wisconsin TSA officers save life

April 14, 2020

Have you ever been told, “Cheer up; things could get worse?” So, you cheer up, but they still get worse?  That may have been what TSA officers at Milwaukee’s General Mitchell International Airport thought when they were alerted to an…

Great White North

Life in the Great White North during a pandemic

April 14, 2020

Though the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of most Americans, it is not the first time Alaska has faced this type of challenge. During the 1918-19 Spanish flu that ravaged some villages in The Bush and the 1925 diphtheria outbreak in Nome…

Morrisville Picture

What People Are Saying About TSA March 18, 2020

March 18, 2020

Morrisville, North Carolina

A North Carolina passenger recently said, “The officer who assisted us was the most caring individual. She explained everything wonderfully and kept us both informed every step along the way. She made everything…

Team Meeting Picture

TSA, Transport Canada partner to protect rail lines

March 12, 2020

TSA is teaming up with our neighbors to the north to protect the passenger and freight rail systems.

Several TSA and DHS representatives hosted a delegation from Transport Canada who traveled to the U.S. capital region. The meetings, which…

Smoke from a checked bag at Indianapolis International Airport

Holy Smoke! Indianapolis TSA officers respond to fiery situation

March 11, 2020

TSA officers at Indianapolis International Airport were shocked when they noticed flames billowing from the belt just outside a bag room.


Turned out that a passenger’s…


Sniffing Out Danger

March 10, 2020

What’s your reaction when you detect the tantalizing aroma of popcorn at the movie theater or the first, sweet whiff of early morning coffee? How do your senses respond when you realize you smell gas or smoke indoors? Odors produce strong…

Lusito Isip Picture

Newark TSA officer wins Outstanding Federal Employee Award

March 9, 2020

As a TSA officer, Luisito Isip of New Jersey’s Newark Liberty International Airport makes sure passengers and their bags are properly screened for prohibited items such as firearms, weapons, and explosive devices. But in addition to performing…

Phoenix Picture

What People Are Saying About TSA

March 6, 2020


A Phoenix passenger talks about losing her ID while on a business trip far from home and expressed her deep gratitude for an officer’s professionalism and courtesy.

“[The officer] made what I thought would be…

MCO Monty

Long-time Orlando TSA officer coaches kids, cultivates compassion

March 6, 2020

In 2002, when TSA hired its first airport screeners, Clairmont ‘Monty’ Ashby joined the new agency’s frontlines to protect air travelers. But the long-time TSA officer has another important calling – to serve as a positive role model for our…